VTU to Install CCTV Cameras in the Examination Halls
CCTV Cameras in the Examination Halls

By the directions of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, all the Principals are requested to install the CCTV Cameras in all the examination halls/ rooms where the examinations are held, preferably with online viewing facility by the competent authorities to monitor the effective conduction of the VTU examinations. The process of installation of CCTV Cameras shall be completed on or before 28th November 2018 and a report on the completion of installation shall be submitted to the Registrar on or before 30th November 2018. The recorded video footages shall be preserved for a minimum period of six months.
The Principal of the college/institute shall be Chief Superintendent throughout the duration of VTU examinations. Under the unavoidable circumstance, no Principal shall designate their responsibility of Chief Superintendent to others without the permission of Registrar (Evaluation), VTU – Belagavi.